Here you will find our answers to frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered here, please write to info@hans-sucht-das-glueck.de
Who is behind the organisation?
Hans Mörtter was the pastor of the Lutherkirche in Cologne's Südstadt district for 34 years and was involved in a number of projects during this time. The association was launched in 2022 with a further ten founding members and a four-member board, who introduce themselves under "Who we are", where you can also find the association's statutes.
Why was the association founded?
There are many people in social need, including children (one in five children in Germany is affected by poverty), single parents, but also homeless people, refugees from war zones and many others who are in crisis due to external circumstances. We act locally and also in Africa and at the EU's external borders. We do not stand by and watch, but are committed to strong networking. In the face of powerlessness, we rely on the power of our humanity and our expertise.
How does the organisation want to tackle social problems?
We help financially where necessary and save people in the process, giving them a new lease of life. At the same time, lobbying work is needed, for example to get a law on basic security for children off the ground. To do this, we need to clear the way without the current barriers to allow migrants to find work as quickly as possible. We want to generate attention and stimulate discourse in society as a whole to raise awareness of the problem and initiate solutions.
What role do art and culture play in this?
Artists are our allies because they convey the fundamental values of humanity that we stand for. Art is challenging, discursive and awakens empathy; it is an opportunity to address people and have a socially transformative effect.
Which partner organisations are involved?
The somewhat different carnival club KG Ponyhof, the humanitarian aid organisation Skills Factory on the Greek island of Samos, the meeting place with restaurant for the homeless and people with housing Vringstreff e. V., the cultural support association of the Lutherkirche Suedstadt-Leben e. V., and other partners are listed under Partnerships. The cultural support organisation of the Lutherkirche Suedstadt-Leben e. V. Further partners are listed under Partnerships.
What criteria are used to select projects and partner organisations?
We select them according to credibility and possible synergy effects.
How is Hans sucht das Glück e. V. financed and where does the money go?
We are financed exclusively by donations! The projects are financed. - In the future, we will also need an urgently needed office and half an assistant position for coordination, research and support - without which, for example, the Christmas wish campaign would not be possible. The board and everyone else works on a voluntary basis.
How can I get involved?
You can become a paying member of the organisation from €10 per month. However, we also need volunteers who can offer their skills or storage space, transport and other resources. Further information can be found under "Get involved".
How can I make a one-off donation?
One-off donations can be made here.
How can I become a supporting member?
A supporting membership is possible from €5 per month. Further information here.
Are donation receipts possible?
Yes, as we are a registered non-profit organisation.
Why are there so many older activities on the website?
This goes back to the 34 years I worked as a pastor, which has been documented since 2007. The often decades-long work forms the basis for today's projects, some of which look back on a long sustainable tradition and are also documentations of contemporary history. The success stories are intended to create trust and continuity as well as to inspire and motivate others.
In which countries does Hans sucht das Glück e. V. support projects?
We are currently supporting projects in Cologne, Congo (Ghoma), Sudan and Samos/Greece.
Is it possible to complete a voluntary service or internship in the projects?
Yes - six weeks on Samos at Skills Factory (via Hans Mörtter).
How many people are homeless in Cologne?
There are at least 600 people plus the number of unreported cases.
Why should refugees be offered protection in Germany?
Because they are human beings.
"They're not refugees at all, they're economic migrants!" is sometimes said.
Nobody leaves their home country without need! If European economic policy deprives people of their livelihoods, Europe is also responsible for them.
What do you expect from the European authorities and politicians?
It's about taking people seriously and at least granting them EU animal welfare rights at the EU's external borders, e.g. not giving them mouldy food, and allowing them autonomy, self-administration and management in the camps. The inviolable dignity of human beings must be taken seriously. The children in the camps must be given an education so that they have a future.
How much administrative work does Hans sucht das Glück e. V. do for donations?
Zero - everything is done on a voluntary basis.
How transparent are the income and expenditure of Hans sucht das Glück e. V.?
We are audited by the Cologne tax office, which can be viewed by any member of the organisation.
You can find out more about us at the following links:
Who We Are
Goals and Visions
Get Involved
Contact Us